
Friday 20 April 2012

Texas Memory Systems bundles DataCore storage hypervisor and RamSAN solid state storage to supercharge virtualization performance

Bundle supercharges virtual environments

The combination of RamSan [1] flash appliances from TMS with the DataCore [2] storage hypervisor software is aimed at VMware servers and accelerating them by adding an automatically tiered flash storage pool on top of their existing disk drive storage. The RamSan hardware, using either SLC or MLC flash, is attached directly to a server host or accessed through a fabric link with users setting up policies for their virtual storage pools.

TMS says that "when provisioning a virtual machine disk format (VMDK) on a LUN presented to the SANsymphony-V cluster, the virtual guest can utilise internal paging mechanisms with sub-millisecond response times," to the flash while still using the existing disk drive storage...

"By organising disks with different performance levels into separate tiers and using RamSan appliances as the fastest tier with SAS or SATA drives on the lower tiers, customers benefit from the optimised throughput delivered by SANsymphony-V’s automatic storage tiering technology. [It] dynamically adapts to the …. application workloads to deliver unparalleled performance for physical and virtual environments."

TMS president Dan Scheel said: “Rather than go with a rip-and-replace upgrade ... the TMS/DataCore bundle will provide better utilisation of existing storage infrastructure while ... improving the efficiency, performance, provisioning, data protection, availability and management of that infrastructure.”

Hardware support is available from TMS with software support being supplied by DataCore.
Buy the systems from TMS.

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