
Thursday 21 August 2014

Virtual SAN Product Review: DataCore versus VMware

DataCore’s Virtual SAN or VMware’s Virtual SAN

DataCore’s Virtual SAN or VMware’s Virtual SAN - this type of comparison and question easily comes to mind whenever the use of storage virtualization is being evaluated. Other important issues to consider is the ease of deployment and ability to  scale these systems in terms of performance and capacity, a key point  highlighted by converged system suppliers such as Nutanix for example. With this backdrop and the introduction of DataCore’s SANsymphony-V10, and the recent release of VMware’s Virtual SAN, we decided there was a need to offer a comparative analysis overviewing the “virtual SANs” and their essential differences.

...When comparing DataCore’s SANsymphony-V10 Virtual SAN  with VMware’s VSAN, one aspect is particularly striking: VSAN is suitable only for ESXi-based hosts which have a directly connected storage device - hard drives and SSDs/flash memory devices.  By contrast, SANsymphony-V is suitable both for physical environments and virtualized infrastructures.... 

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