
Tuesday 26 April 2016

Exertis offers DataCore Software-defined Storage solutions to resellers

CIO Review: DataCore and Exertis UK

Exertis announced the availability of DataCore's leading range of Software-Defined Storage (SDS) solutions. Resellers will gain access to DataCore SANsymphony-V and DataCore Virtual SAN through Exertis' enterprise division.

DataCore Expands in UK & Eire with New Distribution Partnership with Exertis and Expanded Sales Team

Brett Denly, Regional Director, DataCore Software commented "Partnering with Exertis allows us to target partners selling Fujitsu, Huawei, Dell and Lenovo solutions who would understand the massive performance gains that can now be achieved using DataCore and will allow us to address new resellers who are keen to harness the growth in the software defined storage market. Exertis will support the sale of DataCore storage solutions through its experienced and knowledgeable enterprise team."

DataCore's Software Defined Storage solutions enable enterprises and organisations of all sizes to benefit from end to end management of their server and storage estate through a virtualised software layer that sits above their hardware investment, simplifying the complexities of most traditional storage systems, dramatically enhancing performance and reducing the total cost of ownership. Gareth Bray, Head of Commercial – Enterprise said "DataCore will provide our resellers with unquestionable storage value and efficiencies by reducing storage costs, improving performance, simplifying storage management through a single user interface and providing ongoing business continuity including disaster recovery. SDS is an increasingly popular method for data management and we are delighted to be partnering with the established market leader."

DataCore's solutions are targeted towards the IT data centre that typically services 250 employees and above, although for smaller Hyper-V environments, DataCore offers an entry level, 2 simple 2 node hyper-converged solution, DataCore's Virtual SAN, to provide an easy to manage, low cost, highly performing entrance into hyper-convergence.

As SDS proof points, DataCore recently achieved a new world record, audited by the Storage Performance Council (SPC-1), for price performance with IOPs of 5 pence recorded on Lenovo’s x 3650 systems. On the same platform, the company recorded the fastest response times ever attained, even compared to the many all-flash arrays and multi-million brand systems that have published SPC-1 results.

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