
Friday, 20 May 2011

It Ain’t Easy Being ‘Green’ … Or Is It? Virtualization software makes an impact on waste.

Since Earth Day was proclaimed in 1970, protecting the environment has advanced from a grassroots effort to a global cause. We’ve all pitched in and taken steps to ensure the planet will be a healthy place to live for generations to come. From recycling to alternative sources of energy, the pursuit for a green future is on.

With the daily power consumption of a typical data center equivalent to the monthly power consumption of thousands of homes, it’s no surprise that a major focus of the green movement has turned to the data center. In fact, just this week The Green Grid Association announced new steps organizations can take to transform their data centers from an operational burden to a source of prosperity and sustainability.

But most of the hype around green data centers has focused on data center architecture, server consolidation, and new cooling strategies – and somehow ...

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