
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Jon Toigo Video on Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Use a storage hypervisor for data replication

Toigo Video

Toigo: Use a storage hypervisor for data replication

Video Link:

In this video, Jon Toigo, founder and CEO of Toigo Partners International, says that relying on a storage hypervisor like DataCore's SANsymphony-V provides greater ease of management and greater resistance to disruption.

Toigo said that storage environments have isolated islands of capability on hardware from different vendors and software products that add functionality for services like provisioning and mirroring, but these capabilities don't scale as you need more capacity and have to purchase another array. But the hardware behind the different vendor's product names is "generic," said Toigo, and a storage hypervisor can bring those disparate elements together by presenting storage as logical volumes rather than physical volumes -- allowing users to pool disparate hardware together into a common storage repository.

And for disaster recovery, storage virtualization can be a real benefit because you do not need to replicate between identical devices. "I could make a copy of data over to any other platform. I don't have to use the most expensive gear to make a copy of the most expensive gear … it doesn't matter, because it's all virtual volumes that we're dealing with," said Toigo...

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